Welcome to Parents & Friends (P&F)
The St Columba’s Catholic School Parents & Friends are very blessed with having a very strong parent group who have a fantastic community spirit. Quality people create quality environments that are welcoming and filled with the heart of St Columba.
The aims of the P&F include:
- Strive to develop at the school a real community of parents, teachers and students, which reflects a truly Catholic ethos;
- Work closely with the School, and in particular with the school Principal, who is the leader of the school community, to achieve common goals;
- Ensure that a high level of social and educational interaction exists between home and school, parents and teachers; Endeavour to have all parents enjoy the exciting experience of their children’s formal school years by active participation and personal involvement in the school;
- Provide a healthy forum for ideas and discussion on any relevant issue that will benefit the education of the children;
- Assist in planning and organising functions associated with the social, sporting, cultural and educational life of the school community;
- Work to provide additional resources which are considered necessary for the children or to assist the teachers in their professional work. Whilst this role has been and will continue to be very important in Catholic schools, it should not be the only function of the P&F, which should ensure that its activities extend into the above areas as well.
2025 P&F Executive Team:
- Davina Goh and Nikki Staveley (Co-Chairs)
- Bridie Stazzonelli (Deputy Chair)
- Justine Raynor (Treasurer)
- Courtney Eden and Sarah Sorgiovanni (Co-Secretaries)
- Bea Humphreys (P&F Representative to the CSAC)
The P&F meets around the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7.00pm, with meetings being open to any parent in the school community. Some of the events that the P&F have been involved with in the past are the Welcome Back to School Movie Night, Spring Twilight Fair, Quiz Nights, Bunnings BBQs, student discos, St Columba’s Day, plus so much more.
If you would like more information or would like to be part of this dynamic group of parents, come along to a P&F Meeting and introduce yourself. Check the school calendar for exact dates.
We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.
13 November 2024 | ST COLS P&F MINUTES | |